At Pizza Inn we recognize every potential franchisee is looking at opportunities for their own personal reasons. That’s why we assign you a Franchise Development Consultant, who will discuss your goals, answer your questions and let you come the best decision for you. In 8 simple steps you should know what you need to about the opportunity, the investment and the potential, that you can make an informed and committed decision.

This includes:

Learn more about making dough the Pizza Inn way.

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Get acquainted by learning about your goals and dreams and about the opportunities Rave can provide.

This consists of a conversation between you and me about what you are looking for. You will learn about the history and the future of the RAVE and our brands. We want to know about your path and your vision for business ownership!

The Deep Dive – The Franchise Disclosure Document.

Now it gets fun – The legal stuff. You will sign a receipt for the FDD. This states that you received our FDD, and that there is no obligation on either party. This is a legal step for every Franchise brand in the US.

Once you’ve signed the receipt, then you get to explore. Learn in depth about the industry, the company, our business model, the roles of the RAVE RESTAURANT GROUP (Franchisor) and the roles of the Franchisee (You).

Take your time and be sure to read it all. Start with the sections that interest you. You’ll want to know what your obligation will be, and what the Franchisor will and will not provide.

Franchise Disclosure Review by phone.

We will have an in-depth conversation to review the FDD. This is your opportunity to go through each FDD section and ask any questions that may have come up.

Complete Confidential Information – Application.

This is where we learn more about you. You will be sent a link with the login information for the application. This will help us determine if your background, financing and long-term plans are a good fit for our business opportunities.

We are selective in who we ask to join our brands, because we want to create successful partnerships with people who are committed to building Rave’s brands.

Due Diligence. Call our Current Franchisees.

Now that you’ve learned about the brand, and we’ve determined that this is an opportunity worthy of continued consideration, we want you to talk to our Franchise Owners.

We hope you’ll enjoy talking to these entrepreneurs; learning why they bought into RAVE RESTAURANT GROUP. How long it took to them get going, and more.

We expect that you will find our franchisees to be candid- sharing the best parts of their experience along with things they would do differently. I can send you a list of Franchisees to call or pick some from the FDD.

Site Selection.

Where your dreams meet the Real Estate Market.

Our VP of Construction will work with you and your commercial realtor to help find the best real estate opportunities for your Rave Restaurant. We highly suggest you use a realtor that is “commercial specific.” We ask you to choose a minimum of 3 locations, as commercial real estate can be highly dynamic.

Take your time and be sure to read it all. Start with the sections that interest you. You’ll want to know what your obligation will be, and what the Franchisor will and will not provide.

Discovery Day.

For candidates that have shown their commitment and capability of being successful in franchise ownership, you will be invited to come to our corporate offices for Discovery Day.

This is one of the final steps in the mutual evaluation process and occurs just before awarding a RAVE Restaurant Group / PIE Five PIZZA franchise business. Over the course of this day in Plano, Texas, you will meet all key department heads and the executives who will work closely with you. As this is a critical step in our award process, we will pay for your hotel room and transportation.

Signing of Contract and Training.

Once we have decided to award you a franchise, you will receive your Franchise agreement. You will have the agreement for a minimum of 7 days, this gives you enough time to ask questions and make an informed decision. The Franchise Agreement is legally binding. It articulated in exacting detail the responsibilities and expectations for the franchisor and franchisee.

Congratulations. You’re on your way now to realizing the goals you’ve set for yourself.